After 7 years at our previous location, we relocated our office in the fall of 2017.  We are now located directly across the street in our own building at 8380 N Silverbell Rd.  We would love for you to come on by, meet Denisse and Kassi at the front desk, and take a tour.









We redesigned our clinic area for increased patient privacy and greater comfort. In additional to your typical dental equipment, each of our treatment rooms is equipped with a monitor linked to our computer.  This allows us to show photos, analyze x-rays, and visually discuss treatment plans with each of our patients.  We don't ever want a patient to proceed with treatment he/she doesn't fully understand.  It never hurts to have a TV in the ceiling either.  For those who want to take their mind off the appointment, we have 42 in monitors mounted in the ceiling with internet TV available.